Thursday, August 9, 2018

K-12: Parallels with Venezuela

Progressive/Socialist theories promise panaceas; but the People typically end up with pain.

K-12: Parallels with Venezuela

Such a marvelous country. Venezuela is twice the size of California, with a mix of tropical and temperate climates, with 1500 miles of oceanfront and, guess what, more oil reserves than any other country in the world. What could go wrong? Venezuela has everything, unfortunately including a Socialist government.

Barron’s reported (April 8, 2017): “Venezuela is in free fall….Once Latin America’s wealthiest nation and a tourist destination touted in airline ads from the 1950s, Venezuela now faces shortages of food and basic medicines…”

The Washington Post reported (Feb. 12, 2018), “Venezuela’s economy is so bad, parents are leaving their children at orphanages.”

 How could so many blessings be turned into failures? The Panama Post  presented (Dec. 21, 2017) a profound political analysis of Venezuela’s plight. The key weapons used against it, according to this report, are “deception and distraction.” 
Many will see a parallel with our K-12 system:

“For years, the world’s socialists have successfully championed the idea that Venezuela is a somewhat deteriorated democracy but a democracy after all. A democracy where there’s a government that oversteps its limits and has dictatorial aspirations and on the other hand a democratic and moderate opposition that seeks to change the government through democratic elections. And they’ve always been SO close to achieving this goal, but for X or Y they could not: if only they had X percent more support, or if they’d had more volunteers in the polling stations, or more charismatic leaders, or whatever endless amount of mediocre rationalizations devised to hide the truth….(READ MORE)

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